We meet every second Saturday of the month at 12:45 at our farm stand. Start is at 1pm and we’ll go until 3pm, followed by a coffee break with some treats (if you wish to stay).
In 2023 we’d like to really advance the restoration of our forest. In order to do that, we need your help in pulling out invasive species, like Himalayan Blackberries, Holly and Morning Glory (Bindweed). In early summer, we will also start to propagate some native plants (softwoods).
Bring your own gloves, you can bring your own clippers or cutters, but we will have extra tools as well.
Dates are: March 11, April 8, May 13, June 10, July 8, August 12, September 16*, October 14, November 18**
*3rd Saturday of September ; **3rd Saturday of November
Email or text us to register at least 24h in advance, so we know how many volunteers to expect.