Get some heirloom tomato seedlings for your garden

Part of the fun in farming is to pick from many different vegetable varieties. A lot of varieties, especially heirloom varieties( hence the name), have interesting stories behind them. For us, there is no holding back when it comes to tomatoes.  This year we started seedlings from 24 different varieties. We don’t have the space to plant all of them, therefore we’re offering quite a few seedlings for sale.

Here are our varieties for 2017

Ropreco: Smallish Italian paste type with meaty taste, excellent for sauce. Good for short seasons, can out produce Roma in cool climates. Tags: Type: Determinate, Harvest: Early, Color: Red, Size: Small, Shape: Elongated, Specialty: Paste, Season: Summer, Certification: Organic.

Riesentraube:  Riesentraube requires a lot of space and is one of the most beautiful tomato plants when blooming. This plant has a seemingly endless amount of blossoms on large grape like clusters, which form eventually 20 – 30 tomatoes. Tomatoes are small and red, with a little tip at the bottom. They are less sweet than some other varieties.

Sunshine Yellow Cherry: Gold yellow cherry tomato. Delicious, spicy smoky flavor. A farm favorite cherry tomato. Tags: Type: Indeterminate, Harvest: Mid, Color: Yellow, Size: Cherry, Shape: Round, Season: Summer

Opalka: Fruits are far richer and more flavorful than most paste tomatoes. A long, pepper-shaped type with fruits that grow to 4 to 6″ long, clustered in groups of 2 to 5. So sweet and refreshing, it can be eaten straight off the vine, but is highly prized for sauces and canning.

Plum Lemon: Bright canary-yellow 3″ fruit looks just like a fresh lemon. While not very flavourful, it is great for salsa making or in other recipes that require a low-on-water tomato.

Principe Borghese: The Italian heirloom that is famous for sun drying. Small 1-2 oz. grape-shaped fruit are very dry and have few seeds. They have a rich tomato taste that is wonderful for sauces. Determinate vines yield clusters of fruit in abundance, perfect for selling in fresh markets and making specialty products.

Scotia: Most popular and well known for green tomato relish. Early maturity and reliability. Open pollinated. Dwarf plant habit and medium sized globe shaped fruit with slightly green shoulders. Maturity is early at about 60 days from transplanting.

Savignac: The Savignac tomato is a medium to large sized tomato native to the Lanaudière region of Quebec. Lanaudière is situated northeast of Montreal, between the St. Lawrence River and the Laurentian Mountains. The variety is well adapted to Quebec’s cool climate and short summers.

The fruits are round (8-10 cm in diameter) with a reddish pink colour. The taste is juicy and sweet. The tomatoes reach maturity between 75 and 80 days and the plants are very productive. They can reach more than 2.5 metres in height.

Rideau: this tomato is an early and heavy producer of gorgeous round, red fruit that vary in size from 5 – 10 oz. Grown out from seeds from the Canadian Gene Bank, this tomato is crack-resistant and especially good for canning or fresh-eating. The flesh is meaty yet juicy and it has a mild, sweet flavour.

Slava: hails from the Czech Republic and is a heavy producer of gloriously delicious fruits. Globe shaped, 1 1/2″ to 1 3/4″ delicious, flavorful fruits weigh 1 to 2 ounces and are excellent eaten fresh or used for canning. Good resistance to blight.

Blue Cream Berries: A super-sweet cherry tomato, cream berries are super prolific. These boast a delicate but complex flavor and a beautiful cream color with purple-blue splashes on the shoulder. Careful when handling. Thin skinned, can crack easy

Cherry Bomb: Late blight resistant. Vigorous hybrid indeterminate plants produce high yields of uniform, vivid red fruit. Cherry Bomb has a classic cherry flavour; firm, sweet and well balanced. this tomato is equally suited for snacking and harvesting. This Certified Organic tomato is resistant to Late Blight. Matures in 64 days. Indeterminate plants are tall, require staking and produce tomatoes over a longer period of time. Instead of having one large harvest at once, they bear over a period of months.

Black Vernissage: Here is a lovely “Black” tomato that is loaded with flavor as well as production. This 2 oz. tomato, along with its other Vernissage cousins is sure to make a big splash in the garden as well as the kitchen. They are perfect for rich tasting sauces . about twice the size of average cherry tomato

Bellstar: it matures much earlier than most other plum tomatoes, making it a cool-season champion, yet its fruit is larger than those of most of its peers. The compact plants produce large quantities of rich-tasting fruit that are easy to pick and great for fresh eating as well as making fabulous sauce.

Blanche du Quebec: The stem is stocky and sturdy and the leaves are rugose (like a rose) and very picturesque. The fruits, which mature mid-season, are medium-sized and white to pale yellow (the more sun exposure, the more yellow they turn). They are sweet and juicy and great for fresh eating and salads.

Carlton: This is a Canadian tomato, bred by the Canadian Experimental Farm in Ottawa from parent varieties Abel and Marglobe. It’s an early producer of many 4-5″, round, red fruits with a mild, sweet flavour.

Golden Cherry: This hybrid is a flavour winner! Golden Cherry is an indeterminate variety with a very thin skin which is resistant to cracking. Vigorous growth habit. Maturity of 60-65 days from transplanting.

Jaune Flamme: Prolific French heirloom that will set your heart on fire with its sweet, fruity flavor. Like a grown-up Sungold with larger apricot-sized fruits that we loved in our trials. 1.5-2″ fruits hang in neat clusters. A terrific salad tomato that is also great for sauces and for drying.

Nips: Large 8-12 oz fruits are an oxheart type but shaped like a Bartlett pear. They’re very meaty and yet juicy with a rich tomato taste. Heavy producers all summer, they’re great for sauces and fresh eating.

Morden Yellow: A Canadian tomato, bred for short season areas at the Morden Experimental Station in Manitoba in 1950, this is an early producer of heavy yields of bright yellow, round tomatoes that are juicy and mildly sweet. This tomato keeps producing for a long period

Tamina groß: A ‘potato-leaved’ variety that produces excellent crops of particularly tasty, medium sized tomatoes. The rounded, rich red fruits attain average weights of 75g (2½oz) and are especially well flavoured when cultivated outdoors, but can be grown in the greenhouse if preferred.

Chocolate Cherry: Chocolate cherry produces very deep purple cherry tomatoes on a large indeterminate plant. Very sweet with exceptional tomato flavour,

Galina Cherry: This Russian heirloom produces huge amounts of bright yellow cherries full of sweet and spicy flavour, lower acid, thin-skinned with a great texture. No matter the weather conditions, this variety adapts. In the greenhouse will climb over 12 feet, outside closer to 6 feet.

Gardener’s Delight Cherry: Bright red, bite-size, extra sweet fruits are full of flavor.

This old German heirloom boasts many clusters of 6 to 12 cherry tomato all summer long. It’s indeterminate, crack resistant and very prolific

2 Thoughts to “Get some heirloom tomato seedlings for your garden”

  1. Dan Babin

    Anyone know where a guy might purchase Rideau Red tomato seeds ?

    1. Marcel Sachse

      Hi there,
      We got them from Cottage Gardener.


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