Support our way of farming and let us grow for diversity Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a great opportunity for everyone to support our farm...
Category: Eat
Healthy eating can be affordable
Great harvest at the beginning of October Ever since we started farming, we were fortunate enough to be able to engage with a lot of...
Sunchoke Bundt Cake
We love growing Jerusalem Artichokes (a.k.a. sunchokes, topinambur). They're an easy to grow perennial, a good 6ft tall with many little yellow flowers. They grow...
Garlic Scapes – discover a new treat
Whenever we show our customers garlic scapes, three questions always come up: What's that? What do I do with scapes? How long do they last?...
Get a first taste of spring
With the first spring greens arriving on our kitchen counter, we typically make salads. Often with simple olive oil/apple cider vinegar dressings. It's a great...
Enhance your recipes with fresh herbs
You may plant them in your garden, have them growing on your kitchen counter or see them in bunches in your grocery store or local...
Try a selection of our produce for 20 weeks
The weather is being good to us, we were able to plant many different vegetables , beans, summer squash, carrots, beets, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants.... Now,...
our stand is open 3 days a week
We're now open 3 days a week. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 11 am to 6pm. You will find most produce in the cooler. Right...